Monday, September 5, 2016

50 Essential Windows 7 tips, tricks, and secrets

Here we pinching, poking Windows 7 when it was a baby in the Beta. And now that the new operating system (OS) has officially reached the road, we are confident that Microsoft has a winner on its hands. Based on the number of hours of testing facilities and the administration, in fact, we have already in Windows 7 to produce stories some time, the consensus of our editors to the known analog each can be reduced, it has taken a standardized test:

Windows 7 is Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Me

Just 7 put to soften the shock of his predecessor, and has the potential to be a new version of the "Guardian" of Microsoft Windows, the laurel wreath won only with Windows XP and to a lesser extent, to be Windows 2000, although we know that Vista believes something unfair with drivers and hardware support maligned for their first issues, Windows 7 has already surpassed Vista in this regard.

Our experience with the beta,
the release candidate (RC) version and release Manufacturing (RTM), hardware support was largely a transparent variety of desktops and laptops. (To be fair Vista, which was built carefully due to Windows 7 of the infrastructure is Vista compatibility since 2007)

On the surface, Windows 7 may seem like a radical change of view seem to be. The most obvious changes are the bar remodeled and adapted to the tasks, the abolition of the sidebar in Windows, Alarm, UserAccountControl many conservative (and customizable) (eternal Vista, many) defaults, Vista and other much-polished graphics, devices and to configure the printer on the control hardware.

However, Microsoft has a large number of subtle changes and improvements under the hood. Nobody has an impressive reduction in itself, but a critical mass of exciting changes in the operating system more, which feels more polished, more stringent and more mature than any window that has come before.

Towards Windows 7 we have an updated list of abbreviations, advice, moments of "aha!" Maintaining List, and the lesser-known features that we have run into. Some are well documented elsewhere; some find now. But everything is worth a look as you go through the new Windows wind, or even if you think, just to make the leap. (And if you have the fence and run Vista, check out a detailed step by step instructions on how to dual boot Vista and 7. You do not need to fall to Vista until it is good and ready).

In any case, these tips will help you get your money worth in time saved and efficiency.

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